Piano Lessons at Kleisler Music Studio

Piano lessons can be enjoyed by students of all ages!
Welcome to the Kleisler Music Studio Website!
Piano lessons are taught at this home studio by Lynn Kleisler, NCTM, who is an independent, nationally certified, piano teacher in Suffolk, Virginia. The studio features a Yamaha professional studio upright, a Baldwin/Hamilton console, several keyboards, and a computer music lab. Students, ages five to adult, can enroll in 45 and 60 minute private lessons.
In addition to piano lessons, musicianship classes are offered to all school age students. There are normally five of them per school year. Piano lessons emphasize the fundamentals of music which include technique, theory, ear training, music appreciation and memorization. There are many performance and competition opportunities for students who are interested, to help them learn and grow.
Mission Statement:
My desire is to help students, school age to adult, receive a comprehensive music education through fun, creative and professional piano instruction and to maximize each individual's success in music. I am dedicated to accomplishing this by providing as many opportunities for learning, in addition to the lesson, through musicianship classes, the computer lab, and performance opportunities. It is my objective for the student, parents and the teacher to form an effective team and help each student reach their highest potential.